Backyard Olympic Party!

First let me say it is hard this week to write a blog about party planning when we have Houston under water and people desperate for someone to save them.  I am so grateful for those that have volunteered to help with the evacuation of both people and animals, and to those that are providing assistance after they have been relocated to safe places.  Also, not to mention the Texas businesses that have come to a halt or been destroyed and the monies that have been lost due to this catastrophe.  But what I see in the news and on social media, is really what the heart of America is all about – people helping people!  Our country coming together when one part of our country is hurting and distressed.  That’s my America – of the United States.

OK now, I am going to piggy back on last week’s blog about a Labor Day party.  I saw on the local news this week about a fundraiser for Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) sponsored by  They are putting on a “Backyard Olympics” fundraiser.  I was thinking what a great idea for a get together (never mind the great idea for a fundraiser).

First let me describe the games, the fundraising format and then offer suggestions for your and my backyard Olympic party.  Teams of 3 people compete.  There are 3 events – cornhole, bocce ball and ladder golf.  Last week I described cornhole and bocce ball (if you are not familiar with these games – please read last weeks post).  Ladder golf looks kind of like a ladder with 3 round steps each about a foot apart. If 2 people are playing, each get 3 bolas (2 golf balls -hence the name – attached 13” apart to a nylon rope).  You stand about 15’ back and (try to) toss your bolas on to a ladder rung.  If you get it on the top step – 3 points, middle – 2 and bottom – 1. First person to exactly 21 wins!  Now you are semi familiar with all 3 games!

Here is how the fundraising Backyard Olympic format works.  Bocce ball – each team gets 12 balls to toss onto a scoring grid (3,2,1 point scoring areas). Cornhole – each team throws 12 cornhole bags onto the board for points (3 pt – in the hole, 1 pt – on the board).  Ladder golf – each team tosses 12 bolas (3 pt – top rung, 2 pt – middle rung, 1 pt – lower rung).  Add up all the points from each game – team with the most combined points wins! The fundraiser is September 30th if any of you are interested or need a reason to come to San Diego. Go to to get more information or here is the link:

Depending on the size of your backyard or if you use a park/greenbelt  – you can set up any number of games. Since I am a gameaholic I like any and all  games and the more the merrier.  I also like to think that any game can be played by both adults and children.

I would plan our backyard Olympics something like this.  Games – bocce ball, cornhole, ladder golf, and a variation of croquet.  I like the format and scoring for each of the 3 games played in the CAF fundraiser. For croquet – I would set up 6 wickets spaced out around the yard (see diagram for example).  Each person starts with 10 points.  The goal is to get your ball thru all 6 wickets in 6 shots.  For every shot over 6, you deduct 1 point.

Party format – depending on what time of day your party is held, will determine the type of food and drinks you serve.  Decorations can have an olympic theme – torches, olympic rings, with gold/silver/bronze decor. Let all your guests that want to “compete” or “play” know that they have the first hour of the party to “practice/learn” any of the games.  Encourage everyone to try! You will need to have a small table, stool or chair and pen at each game. Next to each game place a piece of paper where each guest can write their name and score. Each person can only play each game once during the competition time.  Depending on the size of your party (and the number of participants) give the play/competition a time frame or time limit.  If you have a small group you can do one game at a time.  Guaranteed this will be entertainment for those playing and those watching. One caution when setting up your games – allow for miss-throws. Don’t set the ladder for ladder golf next to an area where people will be sitting or gathering! Just stating the obvious!  Let the younger kids throw from shorter distances and pre-plan for that distance. Don’t forget you will need time to add up the scores. Get 1 or 2 people to help, but keep the scores a secret until you announce the winners.

Depending on the mix of your party you can have different divisions – adults/children, men/women, etc.  You can find inexpensive Olympic medals at Party City, Oriental Trading Company, Walmart, Michael’s and I am sure -Amazon.  Medals can be awarded to winners of each game as well as the overall winners.  Have fun and be creative.  Get some different height boxes (etc) for the winners to stand on as you present the medals.  Create an award for the person or people with the overall lowest scores.  Then make it an annual event!  If you do – keep the scores and names so you can reference the Olympic records each year!  You definitely will have people returning to your Backyard Olympic party year after year!!!  Or just like the Olympics – move the party around.  Encourage others to host the next year and you can assist!!  Once the ceremonies are completed – continue the party and games!

Happy Planning!! What’s your next party?

“Victory is in having done your best.  If you’ve done your best, you’ve won!” – Bill Bowerman

“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt!” – motto of the Special Olympics


2 thoughts on “Backyard Olympic Party!

  1. Pat Thompson Reply

    Thanks for kind words for us here in Houston. It has been (and STILL is) a distressing time. So many people displaced, losing EVERYTHING. Lost lives! Our TV coverage has been 24 hours non-stop and 90% of it highlighting the courage and generosity of rescue and shelter workers. We are a UNITED state. And you know, it was all races, colors, creeds and ages helping. We shall overcome!

    I really enjoyed reading about all the party games and staging medal podiums, especially with medals for all. Can’t wait for my yard to dry out and give your suggestions a try. Perhaps at our next family gathering!!

    • Jill Baker Post authorReply

      Thank you Pat. Houston will overcome and be better than ever! Looking forward to your yard (and everything else) drying out and your next family gathering – with a lot to celebrate!

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