It’s the End of Summer! Whaaaaat?

Well I can’t believe another summer has come and gone.  If you are like me, you are thinking – didn’t the kids just get out of school – what, they’re going back already, wasn’t July 4th just a couple of  weeks ago, we never had a beach party, we still have June gloom – so it can’t be the middle of August.  Man, the summer just flies by.  There is however, still time to plan that end of the summer party/bbq/outing that you have been thinking about!

Our end of the summer gathering will be around Labor Day and our oldest son Michael’s birthday – 30 something!  Ours will be simple with 4 of the 6 “kids” with their significant others in town and with any other family members that can make it.  We will have a bar-b-que, eat bacon, play some games, celebrate another year of life for Michael, eat bacon, talk about our work, talk about no football in San Diego and who we are rooting for this upcoming season, have some lively discussions over the upcoming baseball playoffs, did I mention – eat bacon, talk about the college pre-season rankings, talk about what the “fall” holds for each of us with our plans and goals and how we can support each other.  Who said new goals or plans have to always be done for the New Year.  Somewhere during the day we try to have a call or Facetime with our kids or family that live elsewhere in the country (Austin, North Carolina, Washington, Brea).  Isn’t one of the best things about having a party or event – the conversations that take place and the memories that you create!

Gathering together – especially family, doesn’t have to be a production.  It is having food that can be ordered or prepared ahead of time (like bacon, snacks and chocolate chip cookies!!), drinks planned out, what the day may look like (not a formal plan, just a rough idea) and leaving plenty of time for “hanging out” and “togetherness”.  Our gatherings usually start at home with a brunch theme (bacon, quiche, fruit) – while we wait for everyone to arrive (usually at different times- you know the millennials), then we typically moved to the local park or greenbelt where there is a game or two of bocce ball or cornhole.  We try to make the teams even – and not too competitive (oh there might be 1 or 2 of us on the competitive side, but we try to pretend that we are not competitive!).  For those of you not familiar with bocce ball or corn hole – here is a brief description.  And by the way these are great social games for both those that are playing and others that are watching, and they can be played almost anywhere there is grass, dirt, or sand.

Bocce ball

Each team has 4 balls of one color (ours are red and green).  The “court” or playing area is marked off to about 13’ x 91’ – we use golf balls to mark the end lines and the mid point (so 6 golf balls are needed).  The object of the game is to throw the small white ball (pallino) from one end line across the mid line.  Then each team throws (rolls) their set of bocce balls trying to get the closest to the pallino.  1 point is scored for each ball closer to the pallino than the opponents.  You can play to 12 or whatever number you like. In the picture above the red team would get 3 points.


Really just a good old fashion bean bag toss.  Trying to land your cornhole bag either on the board or ideally in the hole.  1 point is scored for landing on the board, 3 for going in the hole.  You can knock the other player off the board, but you hope you never knock them in the hole! Typically you play to 21 (and unlike ping pong and other games – you do not have to win by 2 points). Believe it or not – there is an actual Cornhole Association – American Cornhole Association (ACA) – who knew!!

Once our outside gaming has been completed and we are out of snacks and drinks, back to the house we go, for a bar-b-que dinner of the birthday guy’s choice.   Some pre-organization is needed to determine what the dinner will look like and what desserts – yes desserts – the birthday man wants.  Also as I look at my menu – I think about the duo theme – birthday and end of summer.  What food or style represent the end of summer?  I think about pasta salad, fresh fruit (strawberries, other berries, watermelon), bar-b-que ribs or steaks or chicken, and ice cream – and not necessarily in that order!

What a wonderful time to gather with loved ones at the end of a beautiful season and before the madness and rush of the holiday season is upon us.  Either over the long Labor Day weekend or sometime before or shortly after, take a moment to spend time with those you love.  Have conversations that are deeper than “how are you?”, “how is work”, but really about “hey what do you have planned for the rest of the year”, “how can I/we support you”.  There is always time for lots of laughter and good fun, and when you are surrounded by those you love – make the most of it.  Make some memories at your next end of summer party! Happy Planning!

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”  Henry James

Pasta Salad

Here is one of the versions I make for our family.  My Grandma Jones use to make the best pasta salad and she just thru whatever she had on hand into it. I encourage you to play with the ingredients you like. What I like about this is the dressing that you just pour over the ingredients.

1 bag/box of rotini, bow tie, penne, elbow or your favorite pasta
8 oz Cheddar cheese – diced small
8 oz Mozzarella cheese – diced small
8 oz diced ham
8 oz turkey or chicken large diced
1 medium can sliced black olives
1-2 bottles of Bersteins Light Cheese Fantastico salad dressing

Cook pasta according to directions.  While the pasta is cooking – cut and prepare the other ingredients.  Reduce the temperature of the cooked pasta by running it under cool water.  Drain well. Pour pasta into large bowl and pour enough dressing to coat pasta.  Pasta will absorb the dressing.  Add the other ingredients and additional dressing.  Enjoy now or refrigerate and serve later.  Have fun playing with the ingredients.  Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “It’s the End of Summer! Whaaaaat?

  1. Pat Thompson Reply

    Oh, can I come to your family gathering?? I like all your bacon plans and visits to green areas where games can be played and the winning team gets….bacon strips. Take lots of photos to share. You are so right! Now with skype, family members who can’t make the event can still “be there”. Of course they’d have to do their own bacon! Enjoy and celebrate Michael!

    • Jill Baker Post authorReply

      Oh most certainly – wish you guys could be here and we were closer. Will try to remember to take pictures – I get so in the moment – I forget until after!

  2. Jack Reply

    These are great ideas. We have a reunion coming up NEXT summer. I’m going to refer back to this for ideas then. Great job with the blog — very helpful information. Also just read the one on Back to School – you have a talent!
    (making me do math to post this…really? – just kidding, that’s actually pretty cool)

    • Jill Baker Post authorReply

      Thanks Jack! Thanks for reading!!
      Just making sure you are not a robot – or should I verify with Patti!!

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