Super Bowl Party

Whew – done with holiday parties and bringing in the New Year! What’s next on the entertaining front?  Unless you have January birthdays or anniversaries to celebrate, the next big party event is the Super Bowl. Whether you are a football fan or not, the Super Bowl is a great and easy way (and excuse) to host a party.  In reality all you have to provide is the food and drinks.  The Super Bowl itself, with usually great commercials, and a half time show by Lady Gaga – take care of your party’s entertainment for about 5 hours.  Whether your favorite team is playing or didn’t quite make it, it is a great reason to host a get together.

This year’s Super Bowl is February 5th, so it is time to start planning! Here are all the questions you need to answer: who, what, where, when, why; food, drinks, contingency if game is a blow out!

Who – how many people do you want to invite and then make a list and send out invites

What – easy – the Super Bowl, commercials and Lady Gaga

Where – easy again – your home

When – Sunday Feb 5 at 3:30, what about a “home or backyard” tailgate for an hour prior to the game?

Why – why not?

Food – Super Bowl parties are known for chili, hot wings, burgers, hot dogs, and “snacking” food. Invite your guests to bring something to share, maybe their favorite Super Bowl food. Or based on the 2 teams that are playing you could serve food that represents that city. You will know the two teams on Jan. 22nd.  The teams are New England (clam chowda) or Pittsburg (pierogis or fried zucchini) vs Green Bay (cheese & beer) or Atlanta (fried chicken & Coke or in my case, Diet Coke!).

Drinks – have a mix of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available, plus plenty of water.  Remember Super Bowl games take about 4 hours, so plan accordingly.

Depending on the number of people you have at your party one fun “game” I like is a football pool.   You have a grid of 100 squares (10 x 10).  One team goes vertically down the left side and one team goes across the top.  Each square costs something (or you get 4 prizes and the game doesn’t cost for your guests).  Example – if each square costs 25 cents, and you put in $1.00 you put your name in any 4 of the open squares.  Do this until all 100 squares have a name or initials in them.  If you are giving out prizes (and they don’t have to be elaborate) determine how many squares each person gets to fill in (making an equal chance for all.  Once the grid is complete draw numbers (0-9) out of a bowl and place in order of drawing on the grid.  Complete one team and then put the numbers back in the bowl and draw the numbers for the other team.  Then prizes or part of the collected cash is given out at the end of each quarter, with the most money or “best” gift given at the end of the game. If each square costs 25 cents you will collect $25.  The split might be $5 for quarters 1, 2, & 3 and $10 for the final score.  Check out this website for more information

Plan your Super Bowl party ahead of time and then sit back and watch the game and all that goes with it, as it entertains your guests.  Be careful….. if your Super Bowl party is a smash you may become the designated “go to party” for Super Bowls to come!! Not so bad!  Happy planning! Go Packers, Falcons, Steelers, Patriots!

“Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.” Vince Lombardi

2 thoughts on “Super Bowl Party

  1. Pat Thompson Reply

    Not sure we will have a Super Bowl party, but my city (Houston the Super Bowl city!!) is planning a HUGE week of events. Hope it’s New England and Atlanta. I like the food choices you offered for those two teams the best!!

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