
Food Tables with Fab Flow

Last week my husband and his business partner hosted their quarterly get together (aka party) for a 100+ people.  As another event planner and I were setting up the food we began discussing what we “like and don’t like” or “what works and what doesn’t work” when planning for the…

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Holidays and Holiday Parties

The holidays are getting near which means holiday parties are right around the corner! Are you thinking about having a holiday party this year or a New Year’s Eve celebration?  What part of planning and hosting intimidates you the most?  Will you host it at your home?  Over the years…

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Buy or Rent – THAT is the question!

To Buy or to Rent – THAT is the question!! What types of items fall into this dilemma?  Some examples – Outside heaters, generators, canopies, glassware, linens, serving dishes, chaffing dishes, tables, chairs, fire pits, lighting, audio visual, games, drink dispensers (for lemonade, ice tea, punch or water). You can…

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Milestone Events

Have you noticed recently that more milestone life events are being celebrated?  Not only are they celebrated but they are being celebrated in an over the top style.  Take for example pre-K and kindergarten promotions, now celebrated with Moms and Dads decking out their little one in a cap and…

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Your Party Goal!

When I am planning for a party or an event I usually write down what I want to accomplish or have my party/event provide. Getting it out of my head and on paper (in Word) is key.  I usually have multiple lists going that include: what is my ultimate goal…

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Enough Food!

Everyone who puts together a party or any type of event wants their event to be a success.  Sometimes though things don’t go quite as you planned.  One thing you are in control of is what food and how much food you plan for. If you are like me –…

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