Food Tables with Fab Flow

Last week my husband and his business partner hosted their quarterly get together (aka party) for a 100+ people.  As another event planner and I were setting up the food we began discussing what we “like and don’t like” or “what works and what doesn’t work” when planning for the guest flow at food tables.  Today I want to share with you those thoughts.

Setting up your food table is strategic.  Where do you put the plates, silverware, napkins?  What order should you put the food in?  What about hot food and cold food?

First let’s think about the direction you want your guests to go thru the food table(s).  I am using plurals here in case your party warrants multiple tables (ours did).  We put all the hors d’oeuvres or hors d’oeuvre “type” food on one table with their own small plates and napkins.  That table was set away from the table with the main dishes.  The thought here is for those who want to “snack” initially or thru out the night, they can easily get to the hors d’oeuvre table without having to wait for others to fill their plate in the main food line.

The same thinking is used for setting up the dessert table.  If space allows, use a separate table for your desserts.  This also allows your guests to graze on your delectable sweets all night. Small plates and additional napkins should accompany your dessert offerings.

For your “main” table it doesn’t matter whether your flow is right to left or left to right.  What needs some consideration is which way is the easiest for guest to move thru your food table.  Be aware of doors or any furniture that may help dictate which way to set up.  In our case we set up the flow left to right because most guests came in thru a door on the left side of the table.

Also will you have both sides of the table accessible?  If you are indoors it may be a little more challenging to have both sides available, unless you have a table in the middle of a room that everyone can move around in a circle like direction.

I think we all agree that your plates have to be the first thing your guest pick up (otherwise what would they put their food on!!)   buffet-2One thing the other event planner and I agreed upon is silverware and napkins should go at the very end of the table – after your guests have loaded their plate with your delicious food.  We have all experienced the awkwardness of trying to juggle filling your plate, holding silverware, a napkin, and a drink gracefully. Pretty confident it can’t be done!

What order should your lay out your food?  Typically your salads go first.  I recommend lightly dressing your salads just before serving.  However we do have a few friends that prefer to eat their salads “dry”.  Your call – you know your guests.  If the salads are “pre-dressed” your line will move quicker.  Next the main dishes are laid out. If you are using chaffing dishes, either leave enough room between the heat of your chaffing dishes and your salads or put the chaffing dishes towards the end of the table.
No one wants a warm wilted salad when it should be cold and crisp!

Another tip – when serving any type of green salad, use regular tongs or salad tongs that are joined together instead of a 2 piece salad tong. tongs           salad-tongs-together       salad-tongs-2-piece

Now your guests can put salad on their plate with one hand!

Remember to account for the extra napkins needed at all your tables.  Also have enough small plates for both your hors d’oeuvre table and your dessert table.

There you have it! A few tips and suggestions to make the food flow of your party successful!

When setting up your food tables, what have you found that works?  What doesn’t work?  What’s the craziest set up you’ve seen?



2 thoughts on “Food Tables with Fab Flow

  1. Jim Patterson Reply

    All great suggestions and guidelines! Will be sure to consider these for my next gathering.

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